A team charter is an official document that is prepared with the cooperation of all the members of a team. Whenever a team is formed to carry out a project, the team charter is the very first document that is created. In this article, we have some great team charter examples available for you in Microsoft Word format. These examples will help you understand what a team charter template actually looks like.
FREE Team Charter Examples in MS WORD
Internal Team Charter Example

File Size: 09 KB
Agile Team Charter Template in WORD

File Size: 24 KB
Business College Team Charter Example

File Size: 38 KB
Free Outreach Team Charter Example

File Size: 15 KB
Project Team Charter Example DOC

File Size: 16 KB
Official Draft Team Charter Example

File Size: 05 KB
Detailed Team Charter Template in MS WORD

File Size: 14 KB
Design Team Charter Sample DOC

File Size: 27 KB
Sample Project Team Charter Template

File Size: 23 KB
Online Academic Team Charter Example

File Size: 19 KB
What is a Team Charter?
So, when a team is formed for a project, the team members work together to create a team charter or a team charter template. It’s like a document that outlines everyone’s roles and responsibilities, the project timeline, available resources, and any limitations. Most companies have their own team charter samples for different types of projects. Being a member of a team, you should know about the project charter document and its significance.
Basically, the charter spells out what the team needs to achieve and how they’re going to do it. It’s not just something that the management comes up with – everyone on the team has a say in creating it. And, if circumstances change, the team can always update the charter.
Now, if you’re looking to create your own team charter, you’re in luck! We’ve got some free team charter examples right here on this page that you can use as a starting point. They’re all in an editable Word format, so you can customize them however you need to. Just pick the one that fits your project best and get started!
Useful Team Charter Templates DOC
Service Team Charter Template

File Size: 09 KB
Compliance Team Charter Template Free Download

File Size: 10 KB
Model Team Charter Template

File Size: 13 KB
Agency’s Team Charter Word Template

File Size: 28 KB
Volunteer Team Charter Template

File Size: 03 KB
Free Printable Team Charter Template

File Size: 73 KB
Corporate Responsibility Advisory Team Charter Template

File Size: 41 KB
Sample Team Charter Template in WORD

File Size: 15 KB
Sample Agile Team Charter Overview Template

File Size: 105 KB
Special Project Team Charter Template DOC

File Size: 16 KB
How to Create a Perfect Team Charter?
If you are wondering how to create a team charter, this section can answer your question. In order to create a team charter that is perfect and effective, you should have the knowledge of some basic elements that a team charter document must have.
Whether you use the team charter examples and templates given here on this page, or you want to create it from scratch, you should not miss any of the basic elements. Depending upon the type or nature of a project, other elements can be added or ignored from a team charter. However, the basic elements that should be included in this document must not be missed at any cost. These basic elements are explained below:
Purpose of Team Formation
The first and foremost thing is to explain in detail the purpose of the formation of the team. This includes the details of the project or tasks that this team will perform and the ultimate goal and objectives that should be achieved with this collaboration. Also, explain if the time is formulated for a project or for resolving a problem. In the case of the latter, explain what is the problem and what will be the consequences if the problem is not resolved.
Team Members
A team charter template should include a list of members that will be part of the team. It should also indicate the departments from which these individuals come in case if a team consists of individuals from different departments. Although it is created with the collaboration of all team members, still it is important to choose one team member as the team leader.
Goals and Targets
A team charter should clearly explain the goals and targets that the team must achieve. This includes all the tasks and sub-tasks that the team should complete in order to achieve the set targets. The team leader can also create a task analysis for this purpose. Although the goals are highlighted already in the ‘Purpose of Team Formation’ section but in this section, you should try to explain these goals and objectives in detail.
Setting the Budget
In your team charter template, you should also create a detailed budget for the project. This includes all the estimated costs that will be incurred during the whole project for which the team is actually formulated. While creating the budget, you should consider all the costs like the cost of materials, equipment, the cost of human resources involved in the project, and any other costs associated with the project.
The team charter document should also indicate the resources required for the completion of a project for which the team is created. This includes the available resources as well as the resources that will be required to be procured for the project. The resources include both the financial and human resources that are required for the completion of the task. The team charter should also indicate the total cost of the project and the details of the persons responsible for the funding of the project.
Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members
With regard to the roles and responsibilities, every member of the team should be clear about the roles and duties assigned to them. The roles should be given to the team members depending on their qualifications and expertise. The roles and responsibilities of all the team members must be defined in such a way so that there remains no ambiguity in understanding such roles.
Define the Procedures and Processes
In this section, you should explain in detail the standard procedures and processes for the completion of every task or sub-task related to the project. Of course, these procedures and processes are also defined after the agreement of all the team members. These procedures usually include details like:
- how team members will cooperate with each other
- steps or process for the completion of a task
- how any issue or conflict will be resolved
- team’s operational structure
- hierarchy of authority
- procedures to follow when a member leaves or enters the team
Evaluation of Performance
The team charter should also include the standards that are set to measure or evaluate the performance of every member of the team as well as the team as a whole. You should explain in detail what quality of work will be accepted and how the progress of the team and its members will be measured. The frequency of this measurement or evaluation should also be mentioned in the team charter template.
The team charter example should also include clear deadlines related to the project for which the team is created. The deadline should be clear so that every member of the team knows about it.
The team charter document should also indicate the duration or period covered by the charter. Every time a team is created, it is just for a specific period or duration. Mostly, teams are dissolved when the purpose of their formation is completed.
However, if a project is required to be completed in several stages and a new team is required for every stage, then the team is dissolved as soon as a stage is accomplished. After that, another team is formed for the next stage. So, in any case, the duration for which the team charter will be valid should be clearly mentioned in it.
Approvals and Signatures
At the end of your team charter document, leave some space for the team members to affix their signatures. Make sure that every team member affixes their signature on the document. This will indicate that the members understand and accept everything that’s written on the charter.
Customizable Team Charter Samples
Detailed Team Charter Example

File Size: 44 KB
Project Internal Team Charter Sample

File Size: 15 KB
Design Project Team Charter Sample

File Size: 09 KB
Company’s Editable Team Charter Sample

File Size: 12 KB
Team Charter Form Example

File Size: 53 KB
Executive Leadership Team Charter Sample

File Size: 12 KB
Sample Analysis Team Charter Template

File Size: 34 KB
Professional Team Charter Sample DOC

File Size: 16 KB
Team Charter and Ground Rules Template

File Size: 20 KB
Management Action Plan and Team Charter Sample

File Size: 160 KB
Practical Team Charter Example in MS WORD

File Size: 26 KB
Advantages of a Team Charter
A team charter is a document that is frequently used in the project or team management. The team charter examples given here on this page will help you a lot in creating your own team charter template with ease. Using a team charter has a lot of advantages. Some of them are listed below:
- A team charter is a perfect tool to highlight and explain the goals and objectives of a project with clarity.
- A team charter involves the contribution and agreement of every member of the team which results in effective and productive collaboration of the employees of an organization.
- It is a great tool to create transparency in the actions of every member of the team which motivates them to perform better for the organization.
- With the performance guidelines set out, each and every member of the team can be held accountable for their performance.
- The roles and responsibilities of each member are clearly defined with respect to their qualifications and expertise which helps them stay focused and concentrated on their targets.
- The team charter also provides a clear course of action in case any issue or conflict arises.
- With the help of a team charter, everyone else in the organization also gets to know about the responsibilities of the team formulated for the completion of a project or task.
- The team charter document helps the team to achieve its goals and objectives with ease.
More Team Charter Examples WORD
Communications Team Charter Example

File Size: 25 KB
Volunteer Recognition Team Charter Example

File Size: 16 KB
Sample Official Team Charter Example in WORD

File Size: 17 KB
Free Blank Team Charter Template

File Size: 73 KB
Patient Advisory Team Charter Example

File Size: 15 KB
Management Team Charter Example

File Size: 27 KB
Marketing Team Charter Example DOC

File Size: 27 KB
Free Printable Team Charter Template in MS WORD

File Size: 18 KB
Security Committee Team Charter Example

File Size: 08 KB
Routine Team Charter Example

File Size: 15 KB
Team Charter’s Statement Guide Example

File Size: 38 KB