Every business or non-business organization must have feedback about their work, product, or services. Such feedback helps them analyze their current position and enables them to take important decisions on time. One of the best tools to get such feedback is a survey questionnaire. In this article, we have some very useful survey questionnaire examples available for your use. Make sure to scroll down and check out these examples with the rest of the important information related to the survey questionnaires.
FREE Survey Questionnaire Examples in MS WORD
Health History Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 37 KB
Interview Survey Questionnaire Guide

File Size: 33 KB
Product Survey Questionnaire Template DOC

File Size: 106 KB
Employee Health Survey Questionnaire Form

File Size: 43 KB
Post-Training Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 21 KB
Employee Survey Questionnaire Word Template

File Size: 23 KB
Training Evaluation Questionnaire Example Word

File Size: 77 KB
Detailed Employee Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 21 KB
Sample Group Fitness Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 83 KB
Job Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Example in MS WORD

File Size: 251 KB
Blank Survey Questionnaire Example Format

File Size: 13 KB
Health Survey Questionnaire Sample Free Download

File Size: 23 KB
Medical User Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 18 KB
What is a Survey Questionnaire?
A survey questionnaire is a document that is designed by an organization in order to collect feedback about its products or services or the work they are doing. By ‘work’ it means that for instance, let’s assume if an NGO wants to get feedback on their charitable work, they can create a survey questionnaire template and distribute it to their contributors to get their feedback.
Conducting a survey is important for every type of organization. This lets them know their current status or position and increases the chances to improve their products or services. There are a lot of ways in which organizations can get feedback. For instance, feedback can be obtained from customers or clients via phone calls, website surveys, or customer feedback emails. You can also check customer feedback email templates.
However, using a survey questionnaire is the most common way to get feedback. The questionnaire is designed in such a way that it helps you collect all the necessary information with ease. Feedback can be obtained from clients, customers, employees, investors, or any other stakeholders. The design of the questionnaire mainly depends upon two things. The first thing is the audience and the second thing is the type of information you want to collect from that audience.
Government agencies and departments often use questionnaires to conduct different types of surveys. Such questionnaires are carefully designed as their purpose is to collect information or feedback from the public at large. The issuance of government funds or government programs for the welfare of the public usually depends upon the insights obtained from survey questionnaires.
Handy Survey Questionnaire Templates DOC
New Product Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 14 KB
Fillable Consumer Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 18 KB
Official Telephone Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 509 KB
Employee Benefits Survey Questionnaire Word Template

File Size: 25 KB
Library Users Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 23 KB
Employees Job Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 08 KB
Company’s Survey Questionnaire Template for Product Development

File Size: 21 KB
Pre and Post Event Survey Questionnaire Templates

File Size: 30 KB
Company’s Website Survey Questionnaire Template in Word

File Size: 57 KB
Health & Lifestyle Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 256 KB
Special Customer Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 51 KB
Government Survey Questionnaire Example Word

File Size: 108 KB
Fitness Center Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 41 KB
Tips to Create a Useful Survey Questionnaire
Now that you know what is a survey questionnaire, you might be wondering how to create or design one. For this purpose, you can also use the survey questionnaire templates available on the internet. Or you can also consider using the survey questionnaire examples that are available here on this page.
However, if you opt for creating a survey questionnaire yourself, here are a few quick tips that you must keep in mind:
- First things first, your questions should be direct, concise, and straightforward.
- Draft your questions by keeping your audience in mind. Try to make your survey questionnaires audience-friendly.
- Always ascertain carefully whether or not each and every question you ask is truly necessary.
- You should be clear in your mind with regard to the use of information that will be gathered as a result of any such questionnaire. By information, it means the answers of your audience.
- You should also be specific about the length of your survey questionnaire. Try to keep it to one page or limit it to 10 to 12 questions. This will likely to increase the response rate of your questionnaire.
- To get more responses and effective feedback, you can also offer some incentives or rewards to the respondents.
- Make sure to ask each question separately. Try not to include two questions (even if they are short questions) in a single question as it might distort the purpose of the questionnaire.
- Decide how you would like your audience to answer your questions. The most basic way of doing that is to provide three or four options for the respondent to choose one from them. However, if you want your respondents to provide their feedback by writing, then make sure to provide a space of one or two lines where they can write their answers.
- The time at which you are sending the questionnaire also matters a lot. For example, if you are sending a survey questionnaire at the time of Christmas vacation, chances are high that you will get a very low response rate. So, make sure to select the timing of sending your questionnaire very carefully.
- Always make sure that your survey questionnaire designers are experts in their work. Also, the designers must have enough knowledge and experience related to the industry to which your organization belongs.
- You can also get a survey questionnaire sample of your competitors. The sole purpose of this act should be to get inspiration or ideas only and not to copy the information on the questionnaire.
- To create an effective questionnaire quickly and easily, you can always use an editable questionnaire template. Doing so will help you create a survey questionnaire with minimal effort. You can also check the free survey questionnaire examples in Microsoft word format that are given here on this page.
Best Survey Questionnaire Samples in Word
Client Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 16 KB
Product Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire in DOC Format

File Size: 18 KB
Enterprise Customer Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 10 KB
School Travel – Parent Survey Questionnaire Sample Word

File Size: 08 KB
Sample Compensation Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 30 KB
Simple Customer Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 42 KB
Useful Event Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 22 KB
Basic Customer Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Sample DOC

File Size: 15 KB
Pre-Employment Medical Survey Questionnaire Word Template

File Size: 13 KB
Elementary Student Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 12 KB
Market Research Survey Questionnaire Word Sample

File Size: 34 KB
Editable Employee Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 14 KB
Non-Filer Taxpayers Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 12 KB
Advantages of a Survey Questionnaire
A survey questionnaire is one of the most effective feedback-collecting tools that’s been around for years. An organization can have a lot of advantages from using a survey questionnaire. Following is a list of some of those advantages:
- It is probably the most cost-effective method of gathering data and feedback.
- An organization can collect the desirable information by asking well-focused and targeted questions.
- Using survey questionnaires can help you get a better idea of current trends.
- It is also an effective way to get feedback before a product launch or a major company event.
- The decision-makers of an organization can make far better decisions by having the feedback collected via survey questionnaires.
- With the help of a survey questionnaire, the organization can easily measure the satisfaction level of the audience, be it its customers, clients, or employees, depending upon the type of survey.
- The insights provided by a questionnaire can give a clear idea of the customer’s interests, choices, and preferences.
- The feedback received via a survey questionnaire might help you come up with strategies that could help you beat your competitors.
- It is a great tool to measure and improve performance.
Check More Survey Questionnaire Examples
Handy Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 13 KB
Household Survey Questionnaire Word Example

File Size: 29 KB
Financial Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 18 KB
Sports Club Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 63 KB
Medical Institue’s Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 25 KB
Exchange Student Exit Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 07 KB
Food Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 09 KB
Student Course Survey Questionnaire Template

File Size: 38 KB
Patient Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 18 KB
Cafe Evaluation Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 17 KB
Position Analysis Survey Questionnaire Sample

File Size: 49 KB
Printable Health & Fitness Survey Questionnaire Example

File Size: 14 KB